Timothy M. Bizga, DDS, FAGD is a general dentist practicing in Cleveland, Ohio. His practice focuses on comprehensive care, with Dr. Bizga’s special interests in implants, cosmetics and facial aesthetics. His background in dentistry is lengthy and diverse. Once a former chairside assistant, he also worked as a dental lab-technician, making his perspective unique among others in the field of dentistry. He graduated from Saint Louis University with a BA in Biology, before receiving his DDS from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, at which time he was the recipient of the Francis B. Vedder award for excellence in prosthodontics. He is currently a member of the American Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry. He is a graduating member of the Whitecap Institute, where he received advanced implant training. Dr. Bizga is a certified John Maxwell Speaker/Trainer/Coach, a certified DISC profile trainer, clinical consultant for The Dental Advisor and member of Catapult Speakers Bureau. Dr. Bizga gives back to the community via dental missions around the world.

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6731 Ridge Rd. Suite 201 Lynett Medical Bldg. Parma, Ohio 44129  |  440.884.6644

© Bizga Dental, Inc. 2013